Friday, July 26, 2013

I just upped my shoe game today on a "it's pay day and I deserve it" rampage.

Friday, July 19, 2013

This week's weather has been killing me.  Is it at least fall yet?  Or even 70-ish degrees?  I love walking outside and feeling as if I walked into a humidity wall of death.

And if there ever was a video to explain how I feel about really hot, muggy, disgusting weather, here you go.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Oh the vulgar yet funny things I've been seeing around town lately. 
Things I learned today: going to Ikea to pass the time is a bad idea ($55 and numerous items later...), I'm too old for outdoor concerts in the dead of summer (that or I've gotten smarter), I'm the product guru (skin care especially) for my friends, and sometimes it's okay to have a night in relaxing and watching shitty reality television. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Looking too much into something...

This post on the DailyMail's website is laughable, to say the least.  Black Flag tattoo, or just a tattoo in general?  Yep.  Absolute "rebel."  I can just imagine the person writing this as possibly (no, strike that, definitely) an outsider to their music.  "But what does it meaaaaaaan?"

Pizza night